Health and Wellbeing
As well as CDRCN’s general coronavirus advice on our COVID-19 Updates page we’re gathering health and wellbeing advice on this dedicated page as well to help everyone look after themselves during these difficult times.
Hearth Fire meditation with Patricia
Join CDRCN staff member Patricia Martin on her latest meditation. Relax and enjoy.
Men’s Health Week – the Man Manual
The Man Manual booklet contains a wide range of information relating to men’s health on the island of Ireland. It seeks to let you know what some of the main challenges are and, more importantly, what you can choose to do about them. If you or your group would like a...
Tai Chi for men with CDRCN
Celebrate Men's Health Week 2020 with our free Tai Chi Zoom session. Join Mike Bean from 7 - 8pm on Tuesday 16th June for a free men's Tai Chi session via Zoom! Tai Chi combines deep breathing and relaxation with flowing movements. Originally developed as a martial...
Men’s Health Week 2020
International Men's Health Week will run from Monday 15th until Sunday 21st June 2020 The aims of Men's Health Week are to: Heighten awareness of preventable health problems for males of all ages. Support men and boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices /...
Calm your mind and lower your stress
Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing,” is a simple but powerful technique that can help to promote well-being, and help to calm the mind, body and emotions. It is particularly helpful to ease racing thoughts if you are experiencing anxiety, stress or having...
CDRCN well-being activity packs
County Down Rural Community Network recently launched a pilot project involving the compilation and delivery of well-being packs to senior citizens and families with young children currently isolating due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, primarily in the South Eastern Trust...
Network Challenge!
Join us on 'Keep Moving Mondays' from 2pm - 2.30pm every Monday! The challenge: to walk locally, in your garden or house for 30 mins. Use a pedometer to count your steps. Then text your name, age and weekly step count to 07389 732749 to get your name on our leader...
Mental Health Awareness Week 18-24 May 2020
In celebration of #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek, Aware are launching a free, online version of their Living Life to the Full well-being programme. The six-session programme uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) concepts which may help you manage your feelings when you...
Arts Care 4U YouTube Channel
Arts Care NI delivers a wide range of arts programmes and projects across all Health and Social Care Trusts. During these days of social distancing, Arts Care artists and clowndoctors have found a creative way of supporting and inspiring the well-being of service...
Daily free mindfulness sessions
Aware NI are providing daily free mindfulness sessions in partnership with Community Foundation for Northern Ireland and the Bank of Ireland. They are starting Monday 11th May, will run on Zoom and are taken by mindfulness practitioners. You can attend as many...