County Down Rural Community Network
Helping Communities Help ThemselvesWelcome to CDRCN. The network is a voluntary umbrella body set up and managed by community groups in County Down. We are committed to an inclusive future where all citizens actively participate in local life, helping each other to create a healthy, peaceful, vibrant & sustainable society.
News & Events
Training, Events, Funding and more
Rural Micro Capital Grants Scheme Tranche 2 NOW OPEN – closes 05 December 2024
DAERA Minister Andrew Muir MLA has announced that a new £1.1m tranche of the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme (RMCGS) has opened for applications. Capital grants of between £500 and £2,000 are available to rural community and voluntary organisations and Social Economy...
Rural Micro Capital Grants Scheme NOW OPEN – closes 08 July 2024
Micro Capital grants between £500 and £2,000 are available to rural community-led, voluntary organisations for projects tackling issues of local poverty and / or social isolation, and / or implementing energy efficiency measures / environmental improvements. Projects...
CDRCN 25th Anniversary Celebrations
County Down Rural Community Network is now in its 28th Year and growing its membership and we had an amazing gala event in Newcastle in October 2022 to celebrate..
DAERA seeking nominees to Rural Advisory Group from C&V sector organisations.
DAERA is seeking nominees to its Rural Advisory Group from Community and Voluntary sector organisations. The role of the Rural Advisory Group for the Rural Business and Community Investment Programme is to: Work in partnership across Government and with key rural...
Rural Community Development
Building & maintaining community infrastructure and developing community capacity
Rural Community Development
We provide a comprehensive community development service to member groups helping to improve their quality of life.
Health Development
Local communities benefit from our dedicated Community Health Development Teams across Down District and the Ards Peninsula.
Neighbourhood Renewal
We deliver a range of targeted health and wellbeing and community initiatives to hard to reach groups within Downpatrick NR area.
Social Prescribing
A community approach to health and wellbeing
What is Social Prescribing?
- The provision of non-medical services in the voluntary and community sector
- The creation and maintenance of referral processes and pathways that enable GPs and other health practitioners to make referrals into such services for individual patients
- Social prescribing takes a community approach to health and wellbeing rather than looking for a pill to cure all ills.

What is SPRING?
“SPRING” social prescribing helps people 18+ to address social, emotional and practical needs by connecting them to sources of support within their community to improve their own health and wellbeing.
SPRING is a brand new National Lottery funded Social Prescribing project organised by the Healthy Living Centre Alliance (HLCA) & Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing. It has been funded for 3 years initially with extension to 5 depending on outcomes.
Ballymote Centre
For community and business

CDRCN has managed the Ballymote Centre for over 18 years under a management agreement with the Ballymote Board of Directors. Ballymote Community Project Ltd (BCPL) is one of the most successful social economy projects in Northern Ireland.
Contact CDRCN
Main Office
Ballymote Centre
40 Killough Road
BT30 6PY
T: 028 4461 2311
Ards Office
Ards Network Centre
43-45 Frances Street
BT23 7DX
T: 028 9182 8884
South Down Office
Altnaveigh House
51 Downshire Road
BT34 1EE
T: 028 4461 2311
South Armagh Office
Crossmaglen Community Centre
Cardinal O’fiaich Square
BT35 9AA
T: 028 4461 2311
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