We’ve dedicated a page on our website to Coronavirus updates and advice. Below you’ll find the most recent advice from the Public Health Agency regarding self-isolating and looking after yourself and your family. As the situation changes rapidly we’ll update the page as soon as new information and guidance appears and you’ll find more news and information in the blog at the bottom of this page. Stay home, and stay safe.
Coronavirus Updates & Advice
We'll be posting news and advice in our Coronavirus blog below so be sure to check back for updates.Network Notes January 2021
Our first Network Notes of 2021! January NN 2021 Happy reading, and we hope you find the information relevant and helpful. This month includes information on: Warm, Well and Connected programme Covid Vaccination Clinics Free pain management support Community Advice...
I have been identified as a ‘close contact’… what next?
Please find attached some clear guidance as to what exactly “isolation” means:
Statement from Council Chairperson in COVID-19 Appeal
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Laura Devlin said: “This evening I am appealing directly to each resident of Newry, Mourne and Down, asking them to do everything in their power to stem the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the...
Testing and tracing resources
The Public Health Agency has a number of printable resources which are freely available for community groups to download and display in their premises. These include: Test Trace Protect step by step Symptoms? Book a free test poster Test Trace Protect social media...
Safer shopping during COVID-19 poster and translations
A 'Safer Shopping during Covid-19' poster is available for retailers to print off and display for their customers in order to help prevent the virus spreading while shopping. The poster has been updated to include face coverings. These posters have been translated...
Test Trace Protect: a step-by-step guide
Along with social distancing and hygiene precautions, testing and tracing is our best chance to protect our communities from coronavirus. Click on this simple step-by-step guide, and follow it to keep us all safer this autumn / winter. Remember - you can spread the...
Tender Notice – Development of Virtual Remote Activities
County Down Rural Community Network is keen to draw up a selected list of individuals who can deliver remote activities to community groups and members of the public via a range of social media platforms including Zoom. To obtain a copy of the Tender Terms please...
Thank you!!!
During the 17 weeks of shielding from April – July 2020, a total of 18,407 food boxes were delivered with the assistance of 144 organisations and individuals throughout the Newry, Mourne and Down District area. At its peak, 1,902 food boxes were delivered to our most...
Farmers and Agricultural Businesses: 10 common scams to watch out for (and how to avoid them)
Scammers are targeting farmers and agricultural businesses across Northern Ireland. Therefore, it is more important than ever to take extra precautions to avoid falling victim to fraud or a scam. To help, The Consumer Council has compiled a list of 10 common scams to...
Reopening your community facility
County Down Rural Community Network has put together practical guidance to assist voluntary management committees in preparing to bring community centres / halls / facilities back into use. Join us on Zoom to discuss a practical approach to reopening your facility....