Community Health Development across the Down District and Ards PeninsulaThe Community Health Development Team across Down District and Ards Peninsula are always busy with numerous varied projects operating at once. Local communities have benefited from ongoing support which has included financial assistance, programme development and management, governance, partnership working, signposting and events. Below are some examples of the Health Team’s recent work.
Domestic Violence - Men’s Leadership in Gender Based Violence
South Eastern Domestic & Sexual Violence Partnership, which CDRCN are a part of, and Vital Voices Global Partnership, hosted leadership training on gender violence prevention with Jackson Katz an internationally renowned expert in the field to an audience of 120 predominantly male decision makers.
This was the first time that Jackson provided training in the UK and one comment made by delegates was that this training would “…start a very important debate and consideration of how we as a society address this issue…”
Children Helping Children Choir
Approximately 100 young people from 18 schools took part in the Children Helping Children Choir Peace IV funded Project. This cross community programme provided an opportunity for young people to meet and engage with people from different community backgrounds.
The children not only sang together but also learned about each other’s culture, identity and built long-lasting relationships. After numerous meetings and rehearsals, the choir group came together and recorded a DVD to raise awareness of the local children’s cancer charity, Daisy Lodge.
Small Steps to a Creative Future Project
PHA Clear funding enabled 50 creative art sessions to be delivered to 10 Senior Groups in Down to help address emotional and mental wellbeing, combat social isolation, develop new creative skills and empower individuals and groups and strengthening connections within their local community. Groups were able to enjoy and experience recycled art, copper work, pottery, weaving, candle making, decoupage and watercolour painting skills over several weeks. The project culminated in an exhibition in February successfully showcasing all their wonderful art work and was attended by all those who took part in the project.
Health Promoting Homes
Local women made a positive health change in 2019 taking part in a new initiative encompassing sessions on personal development, self-esteem, assertiveness building, exercise classes, and diet and nutrition workshops. Participants who completed the programme were awarded a George Foreman Grill.
“This programme has been very successful in encouraging change, habits, thinking patterns, self-talk and promoting confidence”.
“I have made new friends and found more confidence”. PARTICIPANT
Partnership Working
Walk for Life
Four Walks for Life were organised across Down in partnership with CDRCN, SE Trust, and NMDDC District Electoral Co-ordinators with approximately 600 walkers taking part to celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day.
Christmas Good Relations Event
A family Christmas Good Relations event was organised in partnership with CDRCN, SureStart, HomeStart, and NMDDC District Electoral Co-ordinators with over 200 participants in attendance.
Men’s Health Week Photography Project
This was organised in partnership with the District Electoral Co-ordinators; this project invited local men’s groups throughout Down to take part in a photography workshop in their area. Tutors Raphael Mason and Philip Kelly taught participants how to take creative shots at a workshop followed by a walk in various locations to get inspired and put their learning into practice! Groups were then brought together to see their photographs beautifully developed and displayed in a final exhibition.
“I had always been interested in photography but didn’t know what to expect. I thoroughly enjoyed the project it was the best thing I have done in ages”. PROJECT PARTICIPANT
Ards Peninsula First Responders Scheme
Working with this group ensures the continuation of this vital community service with over 900 emergency calls responded to on the Ards Peninsula. Ards Peninsula First Responders received a major financial boost by winning £50,000 by popular vote in the People’s Project Competition.
This financial boost will strengthen the volunteer base by recruiting and training ten more responders and purchasing more equipment which will enable each responder to deliver emergency care quickly.