Stronger TogetherMembership is now free for 1 year
The benefits of joining County Down Rural Community Network
Being a member of County Down Rural Community Network entitles you to the following:
- Research, advice and information on issues affecting rural communities
- One stop source of contacts with statutory, community and voluntary sector and private sector
- Direct help organising press launches, conferences, training, events and meetings
- Arrange training tailored to group needs
- Office services – FREE or cost price to member groups (photocopying, fax, word processing, e-mail, scanning, report writing and binding)
- Loan or hire of PA systems, data projector, display boards etc for member groups
- Internet access
- Regular circulars to members (“Network Notes in Down and Ards Update in Rural Ards) having first sifted and summarised the majority of relevant information etc. Provides up-to-date information on funding and relevant issues affecting groups
- Help/advice with form filling, grant applications etc.
- Allow member groups to play a part in the “consultation” exercises currently going on. Groups can speak with a louder voice alongside over 80 similar groups in Down & Ards
- Give groups the opportunity to see best practice and generate new ideas through familiarisation trips and networking events
- Regular network events on a range of themes and issues e.g members events, community workers forum, senior citizens forum
- Community representation on a range of partnerships and organisations e.g Ards and Down Strategy Partnerships, Mourne Heritage Trust, Community Safety Partnerships etc.
Membership / Service User Declaration
CDRCN collects personal information when you register with us, place a booking for, or access a grant, information or service. We will use this information to provide services requested, maintain records and compile statistics as required by funders and under relevant law. For more information explaining how we use your information please see our Privacy Policy.
CDRCN will NOT share your information with anyone else for marketing or for any other purposes.
We would like to send you information about our services (including grant opportunities, training and events), by email, telephone or post
NOTE: Newsletters & Information are sent out by email and post – we may also need to contact you directly by phone or post for legitimate purposes only – it is important to have up-to-date contact information which is held securely. If you agree to being contacted by CDRCN please ensure that you have ticked the relevant box on the application form.