Downpatrick Office 02844612311 / Newtownards Office 02891828884

In an ongoing series of meetings this group spent a week-end together in Dublin in September as part of their “Building Bridges” project. The two groups met up in Dundalk and travelled on to Glasnevin, Dublin where they had lunch and a tour of the National Botanic Gardens of Ireland.

The rest of the week-end was spent sharing experiences of rural life and peace building.

One of the highlights of the week-end was an unexpected invitation from the “Miss World Charity Gala” requesting the group to join them in the hotel ballroom, when everyone had the opportunity to meet Kaiane Aldorino, the current Miss World in person.

The cross border linkage continues to flourish and will follow on with the groups participating in a peace building conference in November.

This event was funded through SEUPB Peace III Programme through the County Louth Peace & Reconciliation Partnership.

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