Una Turbitt, Ethnic Minority Development Officer with East Down Rural Community Network organised a Sharing Cultures event in the Queens Hall, Newtownards on the 11th June 2010, as part of her project which is funded by Peace III. Una shared that ‘this event is an opportunity for local communities and ethnic migrant communities to come together and learn more about each others cultures and traditions and dispel myths and fears. We believe that Northern Ireland is a welcoming community and we want to show this in events like this and future events we intend to hold in Bangor in September and Downpatrick in December of this year. A huge number attended the event and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. Inge Persyn Haghighi from the North Down and Ards Bah’ai after the event said ‘she had a great time and there was such a wonderful feeling of togetherness and unity’, shown at the event.
Una works with ethnic minorities in the Ards, North Down and Down council areas which promotes inclusiveness and helps minorities to access services and supports. If you wish to contact Una, she is based at 40 West Street, Newtownards at 028 91 828884.
Una Turbitt (seated center) with Councillors from Ards, ethnic groups and people from different cultures now living in North Down and Ards.