Downpatrick Office 02844612311 / Newtownards Office 02891828884
Does your charity need money for equipment?
The DfC and Cooperation Ireland Small Capital Grants Programme is open again, with awards up to 5k available.

The Programme, which has a total fund of £800,000, is aimed at assisting voluntary and community organisations purchase items of equipment to enhance and sustain the activities and services they provide to the community.

Who can apply?
Applications must include a minimum of 2 organisations – the amount of grant available to groups is dependent on the number of partners to the application:
2 partner groups                     =          can apply for £1,500
3 – 4 partner groups                =          can apply for up to £3,500
5+ partner groups                   =          can apply for up to maximum £5,000

To be eligible for grant assistance, applicants must be constituted voluntary or community sector organisations located in Northern Ireland, with an annual unrestricted income of less than £100,000 per year.

Application forms and guidance notes can be accessed at:

Completed applications should be emailed to, and must be received by 5pm Friday 14 August 2020. Interested groups are encouraged to submit completed applications as soon as possible.

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