“Energy Efficient Venues” grant is available for your community and voluntary organisation to help improve the energy efficiency of your existing community venue.
– Grants of up to £60,000 are available under this Big Lottery Fund scheme.
– Applicable works include:
- New heating system.
- New double-glazed windows and doors.
- Insulation upgrade.
- Draft proofing.
– Closing date for applications is FRIDAY 1ST JUNE 2012.
Applicants MUST ACT NOW!!!
For your FREE building visit and consultation please contact:
Mr. Bernard McAleenan
BMCA Architects
Tel: 07736066437
Email: bernard@bmca-architects.com
Mr. Damian Walls
AD Chartered Surveyors
Tel: 02879634734
Email: djwalls@adsurveyors.co.uk