Area-Based Schemes Services Update 02/04/2020
An important issue for all farmers filling in their annual Single Farm Payment form:
Do I still need to submit a Single application Form (SAF) this year?
Yes. You should submit your SAF as soon as possible to ensure that payments can be made from 16 October 2020.
Will the closing date for submitting the Single Application Form (SAF) be extended because of Covid-19?
No. The closing date for submitting a SAF remains 15 May 2020. However, the period for when farmers can amend claims without penalty has been extended from the 31 May to 9 June 2020. Amendments made after 09 June may result in penalties being applied.
Why has the closing date not been extended in Northern Ireland?
Northern Ireland is the only region of the United Kingdom to make direct payments in October each year. We are keen to ensure that this will continue this year. Delaying the Single Application submission deadline beyond the 15 May would make this very difficult and would result in a delay in your payment. We are taking whatever measures we can to avoid this happening.
Your local offices are closed. I am following the government’s advice on self-isolating and social distancing and as result I can’t visit my form filler to sort out my form. What should I do?
We are aware that some farmers may well be self-isolating or social distancing.
That is the proper thing to do.
DAERA staff are available now to assist in the completion of applications. The Single Application Advisory Team service is currently operational.
If you require assistance please get in touch by telephone on 0300 200 7848 or via email to